As Singapore is approaching our 6 million mark towards population growth for our tiny country, many would ask, will life be too congested for the little red dot hereon? What will happen to the living conditions, quality of life, work and education, in this fast changing nation?
As well as against other regional countries and the world? So, if ‘Clutter’ is defined as an obesity of mind, environment, humanity, objects and activities, then, is ‘Declutter’ merely eliminating and transforming our space to express our purpose, turning something useless into something useful, being more honest with our relationships or simplifying our lives in order to find our spiritual roots?
We question the paradigm of Clutter by looking inside, outside and around ourselves.
Research & Development (R&D) promotes creative investigation in a curated practice, with an emphasis on unveiling the creative process and methodologies through archiving and performance.
If I could set with the sun is a 3-hour durational performance that undertakes the construction of dances in the Indian Ocean, somewhere between India and Indonesia.
Conceptualised by Kiran Kumar (India), this dance-making process is part reconstructive, part speculative,
part archaeological,
part anthropological and
part fantastical.
The focus here is not to merely present dance as an accomplished object, but as a continual process embedded in the aesthetic, social, political, cultural and economic milieu of contemporary South and South-East Asia.
Watch it here
9 & 10 June 2017, 1-4pm and 7-10pm
11 June 2017, 1-4pm
Run Another Way (RUN) is a movement clinic that functions as an unconventional work in an unusual theatre setting. It serves to create opportunities for the public to engage, participate and interact in the dance-making.
With our nation changing at a dizzying pace, has life become too congested for the little red dot? From work to home, every aspect of our lives seems to carry the clutter of that busyness. During RawGround: Clutter 2017, collaborators Ebelle Chong, Neo Hong Chin and Pat Toh presented a Phase I work-in-progress presentation of 慢慢走 – Walk Slowly.
Experimenting with a viable method for creating a work together, they analysed their seemingly mundane daily activities. Through home-hopping they acutely observed each other’s unique movement qualities, patterns and pathways in their respective homes. As a choreographic tool, they drew on aspects from their everyday lives and each wrote five tasks, such as “sing passionately” and “do a workout”. This was then reinterpreted by the other two. In Phase 1, audience witnessed a piece that highlighted each performer’s daily movement quality as well as the interactions that they could potentially have with each other.
Today’s full-length Walk Slowly, aims to offer the audience a glimpse of everydayness, normalcy and what it means to be at home.
Watch it here:
5 October 2017: 8pm
6 and 7 October 2017: 3pm and 8pm
RawGround provides the opportunity for creators to actively share conceptual ideas through a studio showcase. In offering an insight into each practitioner’s working methodology for their intended work, this set-up also acknowledges our belief that time is of essence in craft making. Through dialogue sessions with the audience, we aim to promote an effective setting for work-in-progress research.
Wind Water by Jeryl Lee
You wouldn’t mind entering a new world, would you?
Let me turn on the mini-fountain in the Southeast to
attract more prosperity.
Do sit on the wooden furniture in the East,
it will improve your health.
I love my red and yellow walls!
And the two rose quartz
crystals always make me glow in happiness.
So, are you ready to enter this world?
PerforME by Matthew Goh
I step onto this stage
not as a character or persona
but as myself.
I embark on a journey of self-discovery to understand who I am.
But is it possible to do so?
Can we truly find out who we are?
And even if we tried,
will there not always be more to what we know about ourselves?
慢慢走 – Walk Slowly by Ebelle Chong in collaboration with Neo Hong chin and Pat Toh
What is our everyday?
What are our norms, routines, and hobbies?
What does it say about us as individuals and a collective?
This is a Phase I work-in-progress presentation.
The collaborators are working towards the final performance which will be presented under Run Another Way in October 2017.
Watch it here:
14 and 15 July 2017, 8pm
Repertory Platform (R.e.P) explores full-length works by established local and international choreographers, with the intent to inject current movement aesthetics into the local arts community, thereby raising the bar for artistry.
“In an average week, each partner may be hit by, and in turn fire, dozens of tiny arrows without even realising it, with the only surface legacies of these wounds being a near imperceptible cooling between the pair. “
– Alain de Botton
Indices of Vanishment follows a couple through their last day of packing before their HDB flat is demolished. All there is left to sort through before the movers arrive are the tables and chairs in their living room; but it is the emotional clutter, these “tiny arrows” that have been hoarded, that have rotted through the fabric of their lives, which will not be so easily transported to their new address.
Watch it here:
23 – 25 February 2017, 8pm
International expands our unique repertoire of works to a global audience.
Held in Sydney, Australia from 3 – 5 November, RAW Moves presented Sounding Body (Excerpts) in Singapore: Inside Out Sydney. Helmed by the Singapore Tourism Board, Singapore: Inside Out is an international and experiential showcase that recognises Singapore’s top creative talents from a spectrum of disciplines and serves as a platform for multi-disciplinary and cross-national collaborations.
3 – 5 November 2017
Goodman Arts Centre
90 Goodman Road, Block B, #01-08
Singapore (439053)
Office: 9362 9931
Copyright © 2022 RAW Moves Ltd