Redefining Movement

Photo: Bernie Ng

Issue #24 – Peace

Peace is more than just the absence of conflict. It’s about fostering empathy, forgiveness, and patience among individuals and communities. It’s about creating a harmonious environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued. In this issue, we share our perspectives on the multifaceted nature of peace, exploring its importance in our personal lives, our communities, and our world.

Can I forgive myself?

Audrey Desmond (Social Media Manager)

This blog post reminds me of the importance of self-reflection for inner peace. Personally, I believe it’s the foundation for connecting with others and contributing meaningfully to our communities. By asking ourselves from time to time, “Am I fully at peace with myself now?” we can gain valuable insights into our state of being and work towards cultivating a more fulfilling life in all aspects.

Wordance: Peace

Matthew Goh (Company Dancer)

The Conflicted Peace

Coleen Lee (Company Manager)

The daily chaos shall one day be left with peace.
Blessed are those who get a taste, for the days are long but the years are short.
The bickering may all be fleeting, with jarring silence lasting from dawn to dusk.

The Serenity Blueprint

Ricky Sim (Artistic Director)

‘Most of the trouble in the world is cause by people wanting to be important.’
– T.S Eliot

Personal Reflection:
This quote resonates deeply with me and how I’ve observed some conflicts in both personal and professional settings. When people prioritise their own status or recognition, it can distort relationships and lead to misunderstandings. Reflecting on my own experiences, I’ve come to realise that seeking external validation often pushes me away from genuine connection and collaboration. Embracing humility and focusing on collective progress feels much more fulfilling than chasing individual importance.


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