Redefining Movement

Photo: Bernie Ng

Issue #23 – Synthesising

The intersection of different meanings, expressions and thoughts allows ideas to mix into something unique, quirky and unconventional. This month, we explore how diverse perspectives could build a cohesive whole through the act of Synthesising. Read on to learn about our interpretation of this concept…

Connecting the dots

Ricky Sim (Artistic Director)

I’ve come to realise that while diving deep into one area of expertise is incredibly valuable, embracing a broader perspective has been a game-changer for me. When I venture into different fields, I’m not just sticking to what I know; I’m inviting new ideas and ways of thinking into my life. It’s akin to expanding my toolkit, which often leads to surprisingly creative solutions.

With a diverse range of knowledge, I find myself better at connecting seemingly disparate ideas. Some of the most profound insights emerge from making connections that aren’t immediately obvious when focusing on just one field. It’s like stepping back to see the bigger picture, uncovering innovative ways to approach challenges.


Uniquely Singapore

Coleen Lee (Company Manager)

In the month of August, when the nation’s flags are flying high, I had the incredible privilege of attending Singapore’s largest live event – The National Day Parade. As I waved my flag with immense pride, I was struck by how wonderfully diverse we are. Coming from a multi-national household ourselves (with three different nationalities), I couldn’t help but notice the many “blended” groups of families and friends around me, all gathered to celebrate the nation’s 59th birthday. Despite differences in language, race, or religion, what truly unites us is clear – the joy, the pride, and the fluent Singlish we all speak. It’s the perfect synthesis that makes us uniquely Singapore.

When two opposites meet

Matthew Goh (Company Dancer)

When I can’t find the connection between
A and B or C and D, I walk.

Somehow, by chance or intention, a link is made. My left and right have found each other.

Visual Symphony

Audrey Desmond (Social Media Manager)

I stumbled upon a mesmerising video that I personally thought encapsulates the concept of synthesis. Without a single word, the video masterfully blends captivating animation styles, storytelling elements, and expressive movement. Resulting in a captivating experience that resonates on a personal level. It’s a nice reminder of how diverse elements can intertwine to create something exceptional.

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