Artist: Lin Yung Cheng
Instagram: @3cm_lin
I came across one of his photos featured on an Instagram page and I felt drawn to the surreality of the image. His works intrigued me and I went into more research about who he is. He’s a Taiwanese photographer, also known as 3cm, and his works dances on the line of bizarre and beauty. When you first see his work, you feel entranced by the continuity and complexity of his photo. His works revolves around the struggles of females and questioning the relationship between women and their environment. His works have a hint of horror, leaning towards surrealism.

Ebelle Chong
The Speed Cubers
Director: Sue Kim
Available on Netflix
The Speed Cubers is a documentary on the lives of speedcubing champions Max Park and Feliks Zemdegs. When I first chanced upon this documentary on Netflix, I thought that it was just a straight forward documentary about the Rubik’s Cube. I was immediately captivated as a beautiful story began to unfold showcasing the heartwarming friendship between the 2 competitors and what it means to be inclusive. A must watch for a lazy Sunday afternoon. (p.s for those with a soft heart, do keep a box of tissue on standby ;p)

Artists’ Collaboration: LAB Impro Sessions
Instagram: @labimpro
LAB Impro Sessions consists of live music improvised, played for dancers who also improvise during the jams. It is a programme set up by a friend (Lu Greco) I met during the Gaga Winter Intensive Course 2019, however the programmed jams have been cancelled due to Covid-19. I thought I’d give her a little shout out as I do enjoy watching the content of live musicians in collaboration with dancers improvising at the same time. It is similar to having 2 different languages influencing each other. Also due to Covid-19, Lu and the musicians thought about reaching out to dancers worldwide, to virtually connect and move. I have also been kindly invited to improvise to a soundtrack created by one of the musicians, so stay tuned for the video on Instagram!